January 17, 2021


Happy New Year!

Sending out lots of love and best wishes for a healthy new year to all!

This newsletter will be short and sweet, even though the news is BIG!

We have a brand new website! We first went online in 1999 (or was it 2000 - I remember being concerned about Y2K (remember that?) so it may have been 2000…!)

Our friend Steve Lionel built it for us and we’ve changed things here and there since, but it was time for a renewal - especially since Ralph built Tiny Farmstand. Since “a picture is worth a thousand words,” we replaced lots of text with photos.

The garden variety photos are mine; the super beautiful food styling photos are from Goddess-daughter Lara. Take a look and enjoy the beauty of summer again.

Oh, and to our long-time customers who have accounts, you will need to create a new account to order again because we’ve bundled a lot of the business into “Squarespace” which will streamline accounting. Sorry for any inconvenience!

In other news, it’s snowing again in Winchester, the birds are feasting at the feeders, and Ralph’s baked yet another dark chocolate cake!

We’ve been busy in the kitchen replenishing our stock, and happily heating the house with simmering fruits.

Sending love and strength and comfort to All in these crazy times!

Love, Patti, Ralph, and Abbey


March 1, 2021


December 13, 2020