November 27, 2021

Dear Friends,

It’s sad for me to announce that we are suspending mail order until 2022.

Ralph, our rock-solid, strong-as-an oak, founder, is very sick with Lyme disease. He’s been bed-ridden for days with temperatures higher than 102, but late yesterday afternoon we finally got some antibiotics and his temperature is down to about 100.

We know from experience that the only way to beat this is with complete rest.

December is typically a frenzied month for us, with dozens of holiday packages mailed out every day, and cooking still going on in the kitchens. Even with Elisha’s and Lara’s help, it’s way more than I can manage.

Winter is never a strong season for me and the pull from Mother Earth is to hunker down and rest. I have a stack of books I’m looking forward to, and an ever-loving husband to care for.

Elisha will help me get out the 3 dozen orders that are already in the pipeline. Lara will help me put up a couple batches of preserves.

Local folks can get in touch via email and I’ll put up their orders for pickup at Tiny Farmstand. I’m not sure just now if I’ll keep Tiny Farmstand open for shopping or not. I’m thinking that I might close it to keep things simple and save the energy of keeping it heated.

People can also find many of our products at these local farmstands, bakeries, markets, and more. As I’ve always tried to make clear, we don’t wholesale a lot, and only to people we already know and love.

In Keene, find us at Stonewall Farm, Archway Farm, Hannah Grimes Marketplace, and the Monadnock Food Coop.

In Winchester, find us at Manning Hill Farm.

In East Alstead, NH, at Orchard Hill Breadworks.

In Warwick, MA, at Chase Hill Farm.

In Boylston, MA, at Tower Hill Botanic Garden.

Peace and Love, Patti, Ralph, and Abbey


December 19, 2021


November 7, 2021